self improvement books
Personal Growth Strategy

4 Self Improvement Books That Will Make You A Better Person

These self improvement books can help you improve your communication, be more charismatic, manage finances better & build productive habits.

Self Improvement Books – Image from Pixabay from Pexels

These books can help you define your life

When you’re in motion, you’re planning and strategizing, and learning. Those are all good things, but they don’t produce a result. Action, on the other hand, is the type of behavior that will deliver an outcome.

James Clear

As James Clear has mentioned above, taking action delivers an outcome. But I also think that taking action following the right plan is crucial.

These 4 books in this article take on 4 different areas of life – Communication, Personal Presence, Personal Finance, and Habit Building. From my life experience, I felt these four areas can help us lead a more holistic and satisfying life.

Let’s begin with the first book-

Self Improvement Books: How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Interestingly, I read this book in my teens. And this had a profound impact on me. I think emotional intelligence started growing due to my exposure to this book.

In this book, Dale Carnegie shared his learnings and mixed them with real-life examples. He managed to share excellent points on managing people, making people like you, winning people with your way of thinking, leading people, and having a happier life at home.

His writing is fluent and full of examples. It’s an easy read and I recommend reading this as soon as possible.

Why you should read it?

– People management is the most important skill in the world. You will be able to open most doors if you can manage people

Self Improvement Books: Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane

In this book, Olivia showed that Charisma is not something you are born with (not always), you can also develop charisma. Charisma consists of presence, power, and warmth. Some charismatic leaders focus on one element over another. We can also play to our strengths.

We should choose the type of charisma we are comfortable with from the four types she mentioned. From then on, she shared techniques on how to keep on building that.

Why you should read it?

– Charisma is the next step of people management. It works like a magnet that brings others towards you. Others love spending time with you due to your charisma.

Self Improvement Books: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Each of us has struggled with creating new habits or breaking bad ones. In his book, 

James Clear shows how habit-forming works and how we can make it easier for us.I am particularly fond of a technique called habit stacking that builds new habits around existing ones.

Why you should read it?

– You’ll find that in life whatever you want to achieve will require consistent efforts. In other words, they will require habits for you to achieve anything. This book helps us do that.

– Bad habits also drag us down. This book also shows how you can get rid of them

Self Impovement Books : Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This is a mind-blowing book on personal finance! This is not a technical book and should be read by everyone! In my review of the book, I shared the key learnings from it. In summary, the book shows the power of money, how we can make it work for us, and how we can work towards financial freedom.

One of the key messages of the book is to pay yourself first. It’s the process of investing in yourself through the money that you earn.

Why you should read it?

Financial freedom is ultimately a way of buying time. This book outlines the ways to work towards that

– The book also shows how we should manage money. It outlines some critical learnings that can get us to a significantly better place financially

Final thoughts

While the list of books can be longer, I wanted to focus on only four to make it an easy task for you. These will help you become better in people management, develop charisma further, create good habits & break bad ones and manage your money better.

What else do you need?