Books Personal Growth Strategy

Atomic Habits — Why I Took 3 Months to Complete the Book

And how I integrated the learnings from Atomic Habits into my life.

Atomic Habits in Spanish
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

When I first started reading Atomic Habits, I was instantly captivated by James Clear’s writing style.

He has this rare ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps.

Thanks to that, the book is filled with actionable advice and strategies. Those can help anyone create good habits, break bad ones, and ultimately, achieve their goals.

Why I took 3 months to complete the book

It’s because of the book’s nature.

Each of the advice and strategies mentioned in the book showed promise. I wanted to put those in practice before opening the next chapter.

That meant that I’d read a chapter, and then practice what I learned for a week.

Those days & weeks eventually accumulated into 3 months.

Three Key Takeaways from Atomic Habits

1. The power of tiny gains

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One of the key takeaways from the book is the idea that small, incremental changes can lead to massive results over time.

James Clear refers to this as the “1% rule” — the idea that if you can improve your habits by just 1% each day, you’ll be 37 times better in a year.

To implement this principle, I decided to start waking up just 15 minutes earlier each day. Over time, those extra 15 minutes gave me more time to work on my personal projects. This small change in my morning routine helped me become more productive throughout the day.

2. The effect of our environment

Another key takeaway from Atomic Habits is the importance of our environment in shaping our habits.

Clear argues that our surroundings can either make it easy or difficult for us to stick to our habits.

He shares the story of a man named Sam who struggled with his weight. Until he moved to a new city for a new job.

In his new environment, Sam was surrounded by people who valued healthy eating and exercise. He found it easier to make positive changes to his lifestyle. This story showed how our environment can influence behavior in ways we may not even realize.

To integrate this principle into my life, I started using a dedicated space for my work & writing. I got another device for my voice exercises. To eat healthier, I donated all the candy bars I had in my freezer. All of those resulted in the desired outcomes.

3. The importance of tracking our progress

This might be one of the most important learnings from Atomic Habits.

By measuring our progress, we can gain a sense of momentum. That motivation can help us stick to our habits over the long term.

To test this strategy, I started tracking my daily workouts in a journal. Each day, I would write down the exercises I did. I also created a daily habit tracker form that I’d fill up at 10 PM every night. These simple acts of tracking my progress helped me stay on track.

Final Thoughts

Atomic Habits is a must-read for anyone who wants to pursue personal growth.

Yes, it may take some time to fully absorb and implement all the strategies outlined in the book. However, the insights and wisdom it contains are well worth the effort.

So take your time, savor each chapter, and most importantly, put what you’ve learned into practice.

You can find the book here

This article was first published in Medium and contains affiliate links.

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