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Email Marketing

15 Proven Tips for Building an Email List That Actually Works

The Ultimate Guide to Building an Email List: 15 Tips and Tricks

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do for your business.

But if you have experience with it, you already know that it’s not always easy.

On one hand, you are struggling with limiting beliefs like “I don’t have time for this” or “no one wants to give me their email address.” On another, your target audience is receiving optimized emails that look and feel better than yours.

The question then is — What do you need to do to start building an email list? Here are 15 nano tips to help you do just that.

Building an Email List for Beginners: 15 Simple Tips for Success

1. Start with a hook

Make sure you have a compelling reason for people to sign up for your email list. You could offer a free guide, a discount, or a chance to win something.

2. Use a story to connect with people

People love stories.

Use a personal story to connect with your audience and make them feel like they know you.

3. Make it easy for people to sign up

Make sure the sign-up form is prominently displayed on your website and that it’s easy to find.

4. Introduce a lead magnet

A lead magnet is something you offer in exchange for someone’s email address.

This could be a free guide, a discount, or access to exclusive content.

5. Clarify what people will get

Set the right expectations and keep them. Overselling may get you an open, but it can also get you an unsubscribe.

Your readers should clearly understand what they will get when they sign up for your email list.

6. Promote your email list on social media

Use your social media channels to promote your email list and drive traffic to your sign-up page.

For example, you can add the link to your landing page on your LinkedIn profile.

7. Place a pop-up form for building an email list

Pop-up forms can be a great way to get people to sign up for your email list.

Just make sure they’re not too intrusive.

8. Build a landing page

A landing page is a dedicated page on your website for email sign-ups.

Make sure it’s optimized for conversions.

9. Employ exit-intent pop-ups

These pop-ups appear when someone is about to leave your website.

It’s sort of a last-ditch effort to capture email addresses before people go.

10. Never forget the call-to-action when you’re building an email list

Include a call-to-action on all of your website pages, urging people to sign up for your email list.

11. Use your blog to promote your email list

Your blog posts must come with a call to action — urging people to sign up for your email list.

12. Place the link in your email signature

You are sending a lot of emails every day.

Include a link to your email sign-up page in your email signature. It’s absolutely free — and even if 1% end up subscribing, it’s still a win.

13. Build relationships with your subscribers

Once people have signed up for your email list, use it to build relationships with them. Send them valuable content and engage with them.

14. Considering having a double opt-in

A double opt-in is when someone signs up for your email list and then has to confirm their email address.

While you may lose subscribers due to the extra step, this helps ensure that you only have engaged people on your email list.

15. Automate a welcome email

Send a welcome email to new subscribers, thanking them for signing up and giving them a glimpse of what to expect from your emails.

Let’s See Some Real Life Examples —

The Etsy Hook- Building an Email List

Etsy, an e-commerce website selling handmade products, uses a lead magnet in the form of a free guide to selling on Etsy.

They also use a landing page, with a clear call-to-action, making it easy for visitors to sign up for their email list.

The Hubspot Pop-Up

Hubspot, a marketing software company, uses a pop-up form to capture the email addresses of website visitors and they also use a double opt-in system to ensure they have engaged users on their email list.

The Dropbox Magnet

Dropbox, the file hosting service, uses a lead magnet in the form of extra storage space.

They also use a welcome email to new subscribers, thanking them for signing up and providing them with a quick tutorial on how to use their service.

Final Thoughts on Building an Email List

Building an email list can be a bit overwhelming.

By following these 15 nanotips, you can make the process a little easier and see real results for your business.

Happy emailing!

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